Energy – Our Work
Within the overall goal of decarbonization, the Pennsylvania Energy Horizons Cross-Sector Collaborative’s work is currently focused on two strategies: carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), and hydrogen. As the United States and the world aggressively pursue decarbonization strategies and work to cut greenhouse gas emissions, competition in the CCUS and hydrogen sectors is increasing rapidly. Together, investing in these technologies and necessary infrastructure will be critical for achieving a lower-carbon future and meeting reduced greenhouse gas emissions targets.
CCUS and hydrogen technologies have received significant attention in the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The IRA creates enormous tax incentives for the production of clean hydrogen and increases tax credits on the capture and permanent storage of CO2. The IIJA appropriated billions of dollars to establish regional hydrogen and carbon capture “hubs” throughout the country, and hundreds of millions of dollars to assist states to plan for them.
Due to its abundant energy resources, unique geology, skilled labor force, and strong cross-sector partnerships, Pennsylvania is well-positioned for investment in an emerging hydrogen and carbon capture economy. However, the commonwealth must overcome significant policy hurdles in order to realize a new era in low-carbon energy.
Fact Sheets
Each fact sheet provides an overview of the topic, including relevant background and definitions; identifies key policy considerations and questions for Pennsylvania policymakers to think through; and provides links to relevant additional resources on the topic.
In January 2024, the Energy Horizons Collaborative hosted a second pipelines deep dive discussion, bringing together the perspectives of developers, nonprofits, and regulators to call attention to the opportunities pipelines offer us, as well as the challenges facing this vital infrastructure:
In May 2023, Team Pennsylvania Foundation and the Pennsylvania Energy Horizons Collaborative released three fact sheets that provide an overview of key policy topics within CCUS and hydrogen:
- Property Rights in Pore Space
- CO2 Storage Facility Oversight and Liability
- Environmental Justice & Community Engagement
The Road Map
In September 2022, Team Pennsylvania Foundation released a policy roadmap for the deployment of hydrogen and carbon capture infrastructure in Pennsylvania. Authored by the Great Plains Institute (GPI), Successful Deployment of Carbon Management and Hydrogen Economies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania highlights key priorities for the state to meet its climate goals, maintain a competitive edge in energy production and industrial manufacturing, and secure billions of dollars in federal grants and private investments.
View the Road Map
Read the Press Release
Guided by the recommendations of the roadmap, the Cross-Sector Collaborative will continue to advance public understanding on hydrogen and carbon management and strengthen relationships between the public, private, and nonprofit sectors on energy issues.
DNA Hydrogen Hub Project
For more information on the DNA Hydrogen Hub Project, learn more here, or contact
Scenario Planning
Energy scenarios are plausible and challenging alternative futures that can provide “strategic foresight” regarding choices related to energy.
Pennsylvania first began planning for a changing energy system in 2017 during the initial Pennsylvania Energy Horizons work. A group of Pennsylvanians representing a wide-ranging set of backgrounds and expertise convened to debate, and ultimately attempt to answer, the question of how Pennsylvania’s energy system might evolve in 25 years and what the implications might be for Pennsylvanians. This work used a world-renowned energy scenarios methodology.
The project produced two different scenarios – Rivers and Roots – which highlighted a range of drivers and uncertainties that take Pennsylvania’s energy future along divergent paths. The two scenarios were neither “good” nor “bad” – they simply represented how different decisions could impact the long-term evolution of Pennsylvania’s energy system.