Team PA Board Hits the Road

In early March, Team PA took the Board of Directors on the road to Southwest Pennsylvania. From academic institutions to organized labor to business and industry, the board got to see Pennsylvania’s diverse economy in action.
Carnegie Mellon University served as host for the board meeting, where the directors experienced Mill 19, a hub for research, innovation and workforce development in advanced manufacturing and robotics. Mill 19 is home to some of the most advanced manufacturing research being done in the U.S.
Next up was the IBEW Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee (JATC)’s Local 5 Training Center in Southside Pittsburgh. The Local 5 training center is one of 285 training centers across North America training and preparing apprentices, and showcasing the state-of-the-art training that is taking place at JATC training centers all across North America.
Day one finished with an inside look at Sigma Resources and their nonprofit arm, Simcoach Games, a leading technology consulting firm at the forefront of creating engaging and transformative learning solutions that accelerate instruction, improve decision-making, and positively change behaviors. Sigma serves a breadth of sectors including healthcare, behavioral and mental health, workforce development, environmental sustainability, and education/training.
The next day started at Shell Polymers Monaca (SPM), a world-scale ethylene and polyethylene production facility. Completed in late 2022, this project is one of the single largest private sector investments in the history of Pennsylvania. With an estimated impact of $3.7 billion in annual state economic activity, the SPM facility is a shining example of the long-range vision and planning that accelerate PA as a leader on a national and global scale.
Our last stop was CONSOL Energy’s Pennsylvania Mining Complex (PAMC). The PAMC is the largest underground mining complex in North America, consisting of 3 underground mines with a capacity of 28.5 million tons of coal per year. The PAMC product is one of the highest quality coals in the world and is utilized for industrial, metallurgical, and power generation applications on 5 continents.
Thank you to all who generously hosted – what a great way to showcase the region and Pennsylvania’s multifaceted economy at work!