Collaborative Support

Acceleration Requires Commitment

We rely on the generous support of our board, corporate partners, philanthropic organizations, and others to fund our annual operations, just as most non-profit organizations do. We hope you’re finding Team Pennsylvania’s cross-sector collaboratives and neutral convener role valuable.

As someone who has joined our shared table, please evaluate what level of engagement fits your experience and consider making a charitable contribution to Team Pennsylvania.

Considering a Multi-Year Pledge?

Our most common contribution is a multi-year pledge. As a long-term systems change organization, a multi-year commitment gives us visibility into our future financial picture and what transformative economic opportunities we can pursue as a result of your contribution. Payments are made on a schedule until the pledge is fulfilled. Please click the button below to make a pledge today.

Online Donations

Sending Check by Mail

Please make checks payable to “Team Pennsylvania” and mail them to the following address:

320 Market Street, Suite 600W
Harrisburg, PA 17101

Questions? Email Max Crumlich at
If you were directed to this page to pay for or sponsor a specific program or event, please use the following link to pay:

Team Pennsylvania Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and contributions to Team Pennsylvania Foundation may be deducted as a charitable contribution pursuant to section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code or characterized as a business expense pursuant to section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code, as appropriate. Please check with your tax professional for additional details.

The official registration and financial information of Team Pennsylvania Foundation may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free within Pennsylvania (800-732-0099). Registration does not imply endorsement.