A Message from our Co-Chairs
I am writing to let you know that our current President & CEO, Ryan Unger, has informed me that he will be stepping down following our organization’s June 16th Board of Directors & Annual Meeting to assume the position as President & CEO of the Harrisburg Regional Chamber of Commerce and Capital Region Economic Development Corporation. Ryan has served close to six years as our President & CEO and been with the organization for 10 years. We wish him well and thank him for his significant contributions to our successes and the impact we have had for people and businesses in the Commonwealth.
Public Sector Co-Chair Governor Wolf has asked me to pass on the following:
“Through his leadership of Team Pennsylvania, Ryan Unger has been a tremendous partner to my administration and has advocated to strengthen workforce and economic development initiatives that benefit businesses and working families across the commonwealth.”
“Ryan has played a key role in attracting new businesses to Pennsylvania that create thousands of good-paying jobs and identifying barriers to employment as a member of the Keystone Economic Development and Workforce Command Center as well as helping the state’s economy to rebound from the pandemic and grow stronger.”
“Just as Team Pennsylvania has ensured a smooth transition across Governors and regardless of party affiliation, we look forward to a smooth organizational transition and working together to support those efforts.”
The Executive Committee of the Foundation met last week. At that meeting we asked that Sarah Neighbors, current Vice President of Development & Operations, assume day-to-day responsibility for the Foundation’s activities upon Ryan’s departure. In addition, we asked that Abby Smith, current Director of Education and Workforce Development, assume additional responsibilities and serve as a Senior Advisor to the Foundation. In this role she will serve as a liaison between the staff and Board of Directors as the search progresses. She will also provide staff support to several of our high priority initiatives, including leadership at the Keystone Command Center for Economic Development and Workforce and our emerging portfolio of DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Access) work. We thank them both for stepping up for the Foundation during this time of transition.
Thank you for your support of Team Pennsylvania and the Commonwealth as we advance our mission of economic vitality for all Pennsylvanians.
Sincerely,Anthony Bartolomeo
Team Pennsylvania