Highways, Homesteads, and Fields: Imagining Scenarios to 2050

“Scenario planning isn’t forecasting or predicting… As we think about how Pennsylvania will continue to meet the world’s energy demands, it’s imperative that we all find ways to challenge the assumptions we hold and the implications of the choices we make now for the future.”
Abby Smith, President & CEO, Team Pennsylvania

Beginning in 2024, Team Pennsylvania set out to develop a new set of energy scenarios, imagining alternative futures through the year 2050.

Our 2025 scenarios—Highways, Homestead, and Fields—consider three different hypothetical, yet plausible, futures for Pennsylvania and the implications for energy over the next twenty-five years. We hope these new scenarios serve as a useful launching point to spark conversation, gain critical input, and explore possible versions of Pennsylvania’s long-term energy future.

VIEW THE FULL REPORT – Highways, Homesteads, and Fields: Imagining Scenarios to 2050